the team the social advisor the volunteers c

I was a turtle hunter at La Cuevita beach. My brother began to work with them and I joined them after a year. Now we are protecting the turtles and have learnt how important they are to mantain the health of the environment on our coast.


Miguel Caizamo, local team worker since 2007

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Beach Patrols

Every night during nesting season, the members of the local team and volunteers patrol along La Cuevita beach in order get the eggs after mother turtle has left and relocate them on the nesting station at September Station.

Nests Care

Nests are protected from predators and hunters until eggs hatch. The "tortugario" is located inside September Station. Local team and volunteers participate in the daily labor of cleaning and watching the nests for any sign of eggs hatching.

Baby Turtles Freeing

Once baby turtles come out of the sand, they are taken to the beach and protected form predators. Visitors and volunteers participate in the "freeing" event taking care of not intervening with their recognition of the beach. That process will help them to come back when adults to nest at the same beach.


The local team travels on an educational tour along the coast of Choco every year. Local communities and schools participate in a local "tortugarios" porogram, where they help preserve nests, thus reducing the impact that hunters and egg catchers do to the marine turtles in their area.

beach patrol tortugario freeing education