
Come have fun with us and work to help save marine turtles at La Cuevita Beach!

Volunteers can stay at the station for up to 3 months. Costs include meals, transportation and personal expenses. Room is free, shared with the other volunteers.


Your donations will help to cover the cost of beach patrols, materials, educational activities, local hatcheries and promotional activities.

Donators will receive a donation certificate that National Taxes Adminsitration will deduct as a contribution for environmental protection.

Fill out the form to request more information, make a donation or send your comments

Contact Information


Payment Information

(only for donations or reservations)

If you want to make a donation by check, please send it in a sealed envelope to: Fundación Natura. Carrera 21 No. 39 - 43 , Bogotá, COLOMBIA

Billing Information

(optional for mailing information)