Resources Library
- Jacob's Nielsen: heuristics
- Web Consortium Validator: code validation
- W3C: Web Design standards and news
- Pure CSS Menu: menus formatted in css
- Jquery: javascript tutorials
- a3schools: tutorials about html and css
- ASCII: HTML Codes for Characters and Symbols
- Dafont: fonts
- Typenow: fonts
- Typetester: text edition
- Colorschemedesigner for color palettes
- Grsites: backgrounds
- Brusheezy: brush patterns
- Flickr: images
- Google: images
- Aiadlibrary: royalty-free images
- website designs: examples of succesful designs
- Web pages that suck: examples of unsuccessfull designs
- Best Web Design: examples of successfull CSS designs
- Spanishdict: English-Spanish translation
- Redefine Magazine: News about arts
- Smashing Magazine: news about web design, coding, etc.